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JAVASCRIPT Reading Notes

Duckett: JS&JQUERY Intro + Scripts: Pages 1 - 24

How does Javascript make your webpage more interactive?

Writing Javascript

  1. Start by writing out your goal like tell a robot how to put on a hoodie

  2. Break down that goal by a series of tasks like pick up hoodie, lift over head…

  3. Create a code for each step in Javascript

Taking it from steps to code



Expressions + Operators: Pages 74 - 79


expressions result in a single value

  1. Assign a value to a variable var color = ‘black’;

  2. A variable might use more that one value to result in a single value var area = 2 * 400;


*expressions need operators which let creators get a single value from one or more values

Arithmetic Operators

String Operators

check example on pages 78-79

Functions: Pages 88 - 94

What Does a Function Do?

A BASIC FUNCTION holds the statements until the function is called for

Declaring a function

Declaring functions that need info

Call the function needing info

functions can return information of a single value/what is left of the resul of a calculation that was called for example: var area return area