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What is Git?

Using Git

To get started using Git, you can import an existing repository from GitHub through a series of commands in the terminal. The steps to this process are listed below, or check out the step by step instructions at Git Tutorial

Create Directory/Add Repository

  1. Open terminal
  2. Start by finding documents folder through cd documents
  3. Continue usind cd and ls commands followed by folder names to see where you are and where you want to go to import a repository.
  4. Add an existing repository URL from github by git clone ‘addurlhere’
  5. OR Create folder through mkdir ‘addnamehere’
  6. Check where you are through pwd or ls
  7. Repeat steps 2-6 however many times necessary to complete creating directory/adding repository
  8. Continue by code . to open VS Code and make any changes

The ACP Process

  1. navigate through directory to target project by cd ‘filename’
  2. example: find and check status by git status
  3. should show message in red, modified: IF changes have been made and saved
  4. A=ADD use command git add . to stage for commit
  5. again, run git status to view in green , showing it as modified and ready for commit
  6. C=COMMIT add note of changes made to modified through git commit -m “changesmade”
  7. P=PUSH use command git push origin master
  8. repeat step 2
  9. should show “nothing to commit, working tree clean”
  10. go check github, changes should show