

Duckett HTML book: Chapter 2: “Text” (pp.40-610)

Cheat Sheet for Markup Elements and Tags

elements which describe headings and paragraphs

Element/Tag Result
< h1 > - < h6 > Headings
< p > Paragraph
< b > Bold
< i > Italic
< sup > Superscript
< sub > Subscript
< br / > Line Break
< hr / > Hrzntl Rule

Cheat Sheet for Semantic Markup

gives extra info for emphasis, quotations, acronyms and such

Element/Tag Result
< strong > bold (important)
< em > emphasis (italic)
< blockquote > indents whole text
< q > quotes around short text
< abbr > abbreviation/acronym
< cite > italicized citation
< dfn > defining instance for new term
< address > italicized contact info
< ins > show content inserted in dcmnt
< del > show deleted text from dcmnt
< s > indicates what is no longer relevant

Duckett HTML book Chapter 10: Ch.10 “Introducing CSS” (pp.226-245)

What’s CSS?

CSS allows creators to control how a webpage will appear in accordance with the HTML wireframe. Contents within HTML become categorized within “boxes”. CSS properties and values dictate the appearance or style of HTML elements. CSS can be used with HTML externally, yet connected by an insterted >link< withing the HTML code. OR CSS styles can be included directly within HTML code using the **

There are different types of CSS selectors which allow you to direct specific rules at specific elements in HTML. For example, a rule for just one of two images within the same section of a webpage.

Declarations are made up by both element properties and the value of properties to be changed.



Duckett JS book: Chapter 2: “Basic JavaScript Instructions” (pp.53-84)

Statements are individual instructions which make up a script ending with ;

Comments describe for you and others what the code does


Variables are where a scripts data is stored. Data within variables can ‘calculate’ or ‘compute’ numbers or other types of data.

declaring a variable = var quantity = 1;

numeric data = 0.45

string type data = ‘what is up!’

BOOLEAN data = true or false

Naming Variables

  1. Must begin with a letter $ or _ - no numbers!

  2. Name can contain the same as above but no - or .

  3. No keywords or eserved words (words to be used in the future)

  4. Variables are case sensitive!

  5. use a name that describes the information example: myName

  6. If name is made of more than one word, separate with an uppercase letter after first word as shown above


Arrays store a list of values. Best used for:

for values:


expressions result in a single value

  1. Assign a value to a variable var color = ‘black’;

  2. A variable might use more that one value to result in a single value var area = 2 * 400;


*expressions need operators which let creators get a single value from one or more values

Arithmetic Operators

String Operators

check example on (pages 78-79)

Chapter 4: “Decisions and Loops” (pp.145-162)

Comparison and Logical Operators

Structuring Comparison Operators

operands are place on the side of the comparison operator this example, suing > as operator and time and fail as operands: (time > fail)

Expressions Using Comparison Operators

operands are enclosed by parenthesis and on the sides of comparison operator example: (time + fail)>=(time1 + fail)

Logical Operators

Can compare results of more than one comparison operator by: