

Duckett HTML book: Chapter 3: “Lists” (pp.62-73)

Lists <>

Ordered Lists

Unordered Lists

Definition Lists

Duckett HTML book: Chapter 13: “Boxes” (pp.300-329)

Dimensions of Boxes

Borders of Boxes, Margins and Padding

The appearance of boxes such as,

Duckett JS book: Chapter 4: “Decisions and Loops” from switch statements on (pp.162-182)

if.. else Statements

if/else is used to check a condition and will result in either true or false

Switch Statements

switch statements start with switch value. If the variable of a code ending in break;, matches the switch value in each code, they will continue to run in order. If non of them do then a specified default value will run.

For and While loops

Loops continue to run until returned false. for loops uses a counter as a condition. There are three types of for loops:

for code runs for specific number of times it is told

while loops continuously as long as condition is true

do-while runs at least once even if condition is false