

Duckett HTML book: Chapter 4: Ch.4 “Links” (pp.74-93)

How to Write a Link

create links using < a > element

Linking to other page on same site

It is easier to a relative URL aka shorthand linking to that specific file.

Organizing the Directory for a Largely Structured Site

Get into the habit of have pages for different sections of site in a different folder. hint: mkdir a new **directory.

refer to diagram on page 82 for a visual of how parent and grandparent folders house child and grandchild folder with files within them.


Clickable links for emails are structured the same as regular links but with mailto:followedbyemailaddress within the ”“

Include target=”_blank” at the end of, yet within the opening tag.

Linking to Specific Part on Same Page or Different Page

Utilize the id attribute for elements to “jump” to

Duckett HTML book: Chapter 15: “Layout” (pp.358-404)

Building Blocks

Control Positions of Elements

z-index can be used to keep elements from overlapping

get side by side elements using float

keep elements clear/with space between one another using float-left,float-right etc

multi-column layout

use width, float and margin

Fixed Width Layouts and Liquid Layouts

grid layout examples on pages 389-390

stay organized by using separate style sheets to group similar types of styling using @import or a link. the last rule will take precedence

Duckett JS book: Chapter 3: “Functions, Methods, and Objects” (pp.86-99)

What Does a Function Do?

A BASIC FUNCTION holds the statements until the function is called for

Declaring a function

Declaring functions that need info

Call the function needing info

functions can return information of a single value/what is left of the resul of a calculation that was called for example: var area

6 Reasons for Pair Programming

  1. Efficiency

  2. Collaboration

  3. Learning from one another

  4. Improving social skills

  5. Preparation for job interviews

  6. Realistic work environment