

Duckett HTML book: Chapter 5: “Images” (pp.94-125)

Adding Images

Use < img src=”urlhere” alt=”description of image here” title=”title of image”/ >

height and width can be used as well to make adjustments to image size align can also be used within < img / > to designate alignment right,left, top, *middle, or bottom

How and image is displayed depends on where it is place in HTML code.

Some examples of placement:

Only block elements will appear on a new line, not inline elements

Formatting Images

GIF and PNG when using image with few colors or an image of mostly the same color

save image at same specified dimensions that they will be on page

crop images carefully

set image by pixels vs centimeters and inches

vector images are usually created with adobe illustrator. bitmap version of a vector image are needed.

can also use animate gif and transparent gifs

Optimizing Images

Check to see what size an image already on a webpage is before replacing it by looking at its properties.

Image can be included within a < figure > caption, or include a caption for an image from a separate element.

Duckett HTML book: Chapter 11: “Color” (pp.246-263)

Use a color picker!

In CSS, color can be specified by:

-HSL/HSLA gives control for hue, saturation and lightness of color

Be mindful of contrast so text can be clearly read.

Duckett HTML book: Chapter 12: “Text” (pp.264-299)


Text plays a major part in how easy it is to read a page

Can be:

can be styled by weight,style and stretch

Options of:

*Can make specific changes to only *:first-letter and/or :first-line hint: remember CSS Diner???

Typeface Terms

Choose typeface according to which is supported by user browser

many typefaces can only be used with a LICENSE

Specify your Typeface using font-family

Specify size using font-size in:

If using a font that is not installed on user browser use @font-face. (pp.277) - be mindful of this!!!