

Understanding The Problem Domain Is The Hardest Part of Programming

Some of the hardest things about writing code other than Domain?

Problem Domains are Difficult to understand

Not often do programs recieve all of the information about a problem domain to be able to understand it. Learn how to understand The Problem Domain. When you understand the problem domain you will understand what code needs to written for it.

How can one understand the problem domain handed to them?

Duckett JS book Chapter 3: “Object Literals” (pp.100-105)

What’s an object?

Objects group up variable and function in order to create models which represent a real world project.

objects change what variables and functins get new names

use hotel example on page 101

hotel = the object properties of hotel = name, rooms, booked, gym. values of properties = strings, numbers, booleans and arrays

method= function of “checkAvailability”

var naming object>{key with properties>method with function}

Creating Object using Literal Notation

the object is what is within the curly braces. The object is stored inside of a variable which can use a literal name like “hotel”. so you could view this literally as hotel object

eachekey within an object is separated from it’s value using :

Accesing object and dot notation/creating more object liters

use dot notation to access properties or methods of an object. can also use square brackets to access properties. **really good examples page 104-105

Duckett JS book Chapter 5: “Document Object Model” (pp.183-242)

DOM AKA Document Object Model Some folx call this the API

DOM isn’t a part of JS or HTML

It is used for:

Has four types of nodes, each notde is an object with methods and properties.

Really good visual on page 187

Working with DOM Tree

  1. Acces elements within

  2. work with the elements using text content, child elements and attribute

DOM Qeuries - method to find elements in a DOM tree. DOM queries will either return single element, *or a Node List with a collection of nodes

To return single element node:



To return one or more elements as a node list


getElementsBytag Name


page 197

use textContent, innerHTML or DOM manipulation techniques to update and access content from element node

*multiple text nodes and child elements that are related can be contained within an element node

DOM might be inconsistent in older browsers

browsers have tools for viewing DOM tree