

Domain Modeling

A domain model describes the different entities, attributes and behaviors and what limits there are over the problem domain. entities stores information in properties and the expected behaviors aka object-oriented

a good domain model can easily check and validate how it is understood by various developers/teams.

constructor function to find same properties amongst various objects

When building a Domain Model

Duckett HTML: Chapter 6: “Tables” (pp.126-145)

Creating Tables

start with < table >

follow with row using < tr >

inside of row use < td > different cells or < th > if header of cell

rowspan = more than one row

colspan = more than one column

split longer tables with < thead >, < tbody > or < tfoot >

Duckett JS: Chapter 3: “Functions, Methods, and Objects”(pp.106-144)


Group sets of statements that work together in representing single task. Using this, parameters can be taken and used in order to return a value


Objects contain properties and values to represent a real world example. when a function is used in an object it is then known as a method

built in methods with properties that help you write script ex:

arrays and objects can create complex sets of date and can contain one another in either order.