

Duckett HTML: Chapter 16 “Images” (pp.406-427)

Size and Alignment of Image

Control size with width and height

Align image with float align-left or align-right

Center image by turning it into a block-level element(by default image is an inline element) using display: block; and use text-align: center; or by adjusting its margins.

Background Images in Boxes

Use an image as a background with background-image: url(url here);

Repeat a a background image background-repeat with :repeat for both x and y or just reapeat-x/repeat-y (can also no-repeat)

background-attachment can either be :fixed; or :scroll;

background-position: can be:

Image Rollover

rollover means it can change to a second style when moused over and a third when clicked.

image sprite is when single image is used in various parts of interface

background-image can be gradients, check pp.419

keep contrast in mind for readable content.

Duckett HTML: Chapter 19 “Practical Information” (pp.476-492)

SEO = Search Engine Optimization

SEO assists page to appear in engine search results for users. Having terms in the certain areas of webpage will improve the chance of it being found. Use certain keywords that user are most likey to search and include them in the text and HTML of page. Search engines determine “rank” amongst simmilar sites by seeing how many sites are in some way linked, for example the <a> and </a> tag.

On Page SEO

Think of what keywords and phrases users are likely to use!

  1. Brainstorm
  2. Organize
  3. Research
  4. Compare
  5. Refine
  6. Map (specific advice on pp. 481-482)

Use Google Analytics

Sign up for and use when someone loads a page a “tracking” code will be sent to Google servers. That tracking code is then provided to you.

Use the overview page to check:

Using Google Analytics you can also see:

will need

In order to transfer images and code for your page to web host company, use a FTP/File Transfer Protocol

Some FTP Applications: