

“The Past, Present, and Future of Local Storage for Web Applications”

Cookies were developed for the purpose of storing small amounts of data locally but they have downsides such as:

What’s more ideal?

HTML Storage

Also known as “web storage” or some browser vendors call it local storage or DOM allows for more storage of key/value pairs locally within the browser. This data is not transmitted to a remote web server.

Browser that support Local Storage:

Using Local Storage

Local storage pulls the data stored on a key from a key/value pair. The key is a string and data can be strings, booleans, integers, or float since they are supported by JS. use parseInt() of parseFloat() to convert the string!!

To call an item, either use [], getItem() or setItem() To remove item us removeItem()

calling or removing what doesn’t exist will result in null

Tracking Changes To Local Storage

Storage events are supportes wherever the *object** being called, removed or cleared is supported. So it is not applicable across all browser versions.

Storage Event Objects

Property String Description
key string named key that was added removed, or modified
oldValue any previous value (now overwritten), or null if a new item was added
newValue any new value, or null if an item was removed
url* string the page which called a method that triggered this change

Limitations in Current Browsers

When storing large amounts of integers, floats by strings they tend to take up a lot of data, so expect a QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR to pop up.

refer to [HTML STORAGE IN ACTION]{} for example involving a game.