


transform property can be either two or three dimensional and either one comes with it’s own additional sets of properties and values.

transform syntax example:

div { -webkit-transform: scale(1.5); -moz-transform: scale(1.5); -o-transform: scale(1.5); transform: scale(1.5); }

2D Transformss


Transform Origin

transform-origin can accept 1-2 values, if only one then it will be applied to both x and y axes. Individual values can be specified with numbers or words like bottom-right


perspective value can be set withing transform property or can be use on the parent element over child elements

perspective depth value can be set as none or a lenght measurement

3D Transforms


For 3D, the transform-style can pair with value preserve-3d for 3D child elements or flat to keep them 2D

Backface Visibility

set backface-visibility: hidden; to hide elements completely and keep them from showing when they are rotated or turned away. visible is the default value for backface-visibility.

view demos

Transitions and Animations!!

Transitions and Animations can be written in CSS3 and can be created in a way to change affects when hovered over, targeted, focuses on or is active.

transition, determine styles for different states

transition-property determines which specific properties will be alterd. Properties included in an elements different state will be affected by default but transition-property will have a say on what actually transitions.

popular transitional properties list

transition duration timing values can be in seconds s or milliseconds ms and can even be fractional using decimals. multiple durations can be set.

transition timing looks like:

and timing functions have a cubic-bezier curve behind whic can be specifically set

can also use transition-delay


Animations can hav duration,timing function and dalays. Keyframes for animations need to be declared and assigned to an element. They can be customized with iteration-counts and be specified in which direction to go like normal,reverse or alternate

Animations can also be given the animation-play-state property so it can be played or paused with running and paused

Animation Fill Mode how elements should be styled before, during or after the animation is played through.

checkout animation demos and specifics

8 Simple Transitions

(very good quick tip site)

6 Buttons Animated

Animation Keyframes!

Trippy 404 Animation!

CSS Bounce

What Google Learned From Its Quest to Build the Perfect Team

Google found that it was hard to determine any specific sort of patterns of what makes a good team of people when it comes to characteristics and habits. Once they more seriously considered norms, formally agreed upon or unwritten it was understood that norms were the key to what grounds a good team. Although there are many types of norms so then came the question of which were the most promising. It was decided that the “right” norms could improve the level of collective intelligence while the “wrong” norm could keep an entire team from succeeding no matter their level of intelligence as individuals. Some of the better behaviors found are that everyone takes turns speaking and carrying along a conversation and a shared level of social sensitivity. Individuals on the better performing teams felt supported and able to speak up without backlash so a healthy level of interpersonal trust and mutual respect is necessary for individuals to feel their opinions and ideas mattered. A sense of psychological safety in a work environment and especially within a team improves not only individual performance but increased levels of team performance as well.