
Shay Howe’s intro to Responsive Web Design

Responsive web design is how a website is built to display suitably on any device or screen size.

Responsive vs Adaptive vs Mobile

responsive and adaptive mean pretty much the same thing. Both refer to the design of a website made to be capable of changing or becoming modified. adaptive websites are created with a groupe of preset factors. responsive will response in accordance to different factors for example, viewport width.

mobile is to create a separate site specifically for mobile devices. (not usually ideal because it comes with many obstacles).

Flexible Layouts

Flexible layout is on of three main components of a flexible website.

flexible grid:

new units for relative length

don’t use fixed measurements for for flexible layouts. Layouts need to be able to adapt.

Media Queries

Media Queries is another of the three main components of a flexible website. Media queries allow the ability to specify styling for individual browser and devices. It as the ability to apply *targeted styling

initializing media queries:

common media types:

logical operators in media queries

using not and only, media type can be left off because the media type will be defaulted to all

height & width media features

orientation feature: determines if device is landscape or portrait

aspect ratio

aspect-ratio/ device-aspect-ratio specifies pixel ratio of width/height for rendering are/output device.


resolution does not accept min and max prefixed and will accept dots per pixel, or dots per inch

other media features

using mobile first media queries

using styles for smaller viewports as default for website, then adding styles as the window grows using media queries. There is a risk of “wasting bandwidth” by having to adapt for mobile from styles other than because many users want a “snappy website”.

identifying and using vieport

Flexible Media

Flexible Media is the third of the three main components of a flexible website. It’s important that the media on a website will adjust with other styling properties as they adapt to viewports.

quick fix ! = use max-width: 100% to make sure the media will scale down in accordance to its containers width as the viewport size changes.

Flexible Embedded Media

max-width won’t work for all media, specifically iframe and embedded media like Youtube. To make it work the element should be absolutely positioned within the parent element. The parent element need a width of 100% so it’s scaled to width of viewport and also need height of 0 to trigger hasLayout when in internet explorer. Set padding of bottom of parent element with a value of the same aspect ratio of the video.e.g. video with aspect ratio of 16:9 divided by 16 = .5625 and will need parent element bottom padding set at 56.25% not top.

All About Floats

float is a positioning property that can dictate how text flow happens around the element. The element that is floated remains part of the flow of the entire webpage, being different from an element given absolute position which doesn’t affect the positioning of elements, nor will they be affected.

What floats are used for

Clearing the Float

A sister property of float is clear. An element with this property will not move up, but down past the flow.

valid values for clear

Preventing “collapsing”

If a parent element only contains floated elements, it’s height will collapse. Be mindful of this because it is not always obvious. To fix it, clear the float after floated element but before the close of the container.

Techniques to Clear Floats

some problems with floats