
6 Reasons for Pair Programming

How does pair programming work and why even do it?

Usually there are two different roles in pair programming. One person is the driver and the other is the navigator. The navigator does not actually write any of the code, but makes the decisions in determining what code needs to be written to achieve the bigger picture. Navigators are also looking out for any potential issues like typos and bugs. The driver actually writes the code given by the navigator, and maneuvers through different files-carrying out the typical tasks necessary to actually get the code down.

Through paired programming, individuals take turns in each role and get to work on important skills necessary in learning a programming language.

6 good reasons to practice pair programming

Greater efficiency

When two individuals work together discussing code and solutions out loud it can result in higher quality code. Two eyes and two minds are better than one sometimes.

Engaged collaboration

Individuals learn to work together with problem solving and helping to keep one another focused on the task at hand.

Learning from each other

People have different understandings and methods of writing code. Sharing insight with another can help improves learning for both parties.

Social skills

Learning how to work well with another person with a different coding style and way of communicating is a good way to learn the social skills many employers want in an employee. They want to hire on people who work well with others through any differences.

Interview readiness

Some interviews have applicants pair program with an employee to see how well they will work on a team and can share their technical skills.

Work environment readiness

Having skills in paired programming will get you ready for work environments that utilize this practice of programming.

JavaScript&JQuery by Duckett


What is JQuery?

It is a JS filed included on web pages that uses css-style selectors to find elements and JQuery Methods to do something with the element.

There are multiple methods that can be used with a JQuery object that assigns tasks to elements.

To use JQuery

  1. Add JQuery script to html page before the closing body tag.
  2. Include JS file that indludes JQuery selectors and methods to update content in HTML.

Why use it?

JQuery makes coding more simple, sometimes even requiring less code.

  1. Simple selectors
  2. Using less code for common tasks
  3. Cross-browser compatibility using feature detection to find best way for a task


Selecting 1 or more elements will return a JQuery Object

Single element - $('ul')

Multiple elements - $('li')

Using JQuery methods to get and set data

Get - $('').html(); (will get info for first element only)

Set - $('').html('what you update the element with')

When a selection is created, it stores reference to corresponding nodes in DOM tree not copies (so the location of where information is stored in the browser memory is stored)

Storing reference to an object through caching

  1. Find matching nodes in DOM tree
  2. Create object
  3. Store reference to nodes in object using a variable

Looping & Chaining

Looping(implicit iteration) - using a class attribute to all elements getting the element. unless the selector returns multiple elements

Chaining - Several methods in the same selector

.ready() = method that checks page is ready to work with code.


use .each() method pp.324-325

Getting the content of an element

.html() - the HTML inside of first element and descendants of that element

.text() - returns content from selection and text from descendants

Updating elements

.html() and .text() - used as setters to update content of each element

replaceWith() and .remove() - replace and remove matching elements, their content and child elements

.html()/.text()/.replaceWith() - can take strings. Strings can be stored in a variable and can contain markup

Inserting elements and adding new content

Getting&Setting attribute values

Getting&Setting CSS properties

var yo = $('p').css('color'); to get and store the color in variable

`%(‘p’).css(‘color’, ‘#292929’); to set the color

Event Object

Event handling function gets an event object that has methods and properties related to the event.

  1. The event object is named in the () of a function.
  2. That name used in the function() is used inside of function to get the event object.

additional parameters for event handlers



How to include JQuery in your page

Loading JQuery from CDN example: page 355

place scripts at end of page before closing </body> tag. If placed in the <head>, it can slow down how quickly the page loads.

HTML should be loaded in DOM tree before script can access HTML within page.