
Sending Form Data

Client/Server Architecture

  1. Client sends request to server using HTTP protocol
  2. Server responds using HTTP protocol

How The Client Side Sends Data

ex/Absolute URL:

  <form action="">

ex/Relative ULR

<form action="/somewhere_else">

if no value is given to action attr, the data will be sent to the same page that the form is on

GET Method

Browser uses the GET method to send a request to the server asking for a sources. the body of information sent to the server is appended to the URL in a series of name=value pairs, each separated by an &

POST Method

Browser uses the POST to ask for a response correlating with data that is already within the body of the HTTP request if a form is used.

View HTTP Request Using Dev Tool

  1. Open dev tool
  2. “Network”
  3. “All”
  4. Select “” in “Name” tab
  5. “Headers”

if you need to send sensitive data, do not use GET method!

if you need to send large amount of data, use POST METHOD

Receiving Data On the Server

The server receives a string and will be parsed to get the data as list of key=value pairs. Refer to Express For Receiving Data

Sending Files

Files are binary data

To send files:

  1. Use POST method
  2. Set value of encypt = multipart/form-data
  3. Include 1/+ <input type="file"> so user can select files to upload.


<form method="post" action="" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    <label for="file">Choose a file</label>
    <input type="file" id="file" name="myFile">
    <button>Send the file</button>

Security issues

  1. Be weary of using character sequences tht look like executable code
  2. Limit incoming amount of data. Only get what is necessary
  3. Store data on a different server and only permit access through a different subdomain/domain


Form in HTML5

Videos: Styling HTML Forms