
Express REST API

1. Name 3 real world use cases where you’d want to change the request with custom middleware.

Adding the time or date that a request was made. Validating information before it reaches the server for example, checking to see if a username exists or if a phone number consists of numbers vs letters.

2. True or false: The route handler is middleware

False, the route handler can force a request to run through middleware before proceeding though.

3. In what ways can a middleware function end the process and send data to the browser?

by using next() either empty or containing an error.

4. At what point in the request lifecycle can you “inject” middleware?

Immediately after the request is made and ideally, before a route handler is called.

5. What can cause express to error with “Request headers sent twice, cannot start a second response”

A request is made twice? I’m not sure.


Middleware - software that can intercept data and make add information, validate and perform other check before allowing it to continue.

Request Object - HTTP request from the client that contains properties for req query,params,body and headerssrc

Response Object - HTTP response from server with results from req.

Application Middleware - I’m not sure what the correct definition for this would be vs Middleware.

Routing Middleware - Middleware used to interact with data to and from routes?

Test Driven Development - Programming style involving three main factors, coding,testing and design. src

Behavioral Testing - software testing method for internal structure, design and how the item being tested for is applied.src

Prep Readings