
Data Modeling

1. Name 3 advantages to Test Driven Development

Practicing how to write modularized code, having code that is easier to maintain because it has been broken down and collaborating with others is more efficient.

2. In what case would you need to use beforeEach() or afterEach() in a test suite?

When your test needs to handle asynchronous code and test against conditions before and after functions. src

3. What is one downside of Test Driven Development

It’s harder to write tests when code is broken down into smaller chunks.

4. What’s the primary difference between ES6 Classes and Constructor/Prototype Classes?

Classes can be instantiated at runtime and a constructor/prototype is the object instance.src

5. Why REST?

REST is less rigid and faster than SOAP which is more old-school and only works with XML.


functional programming - Programming style to that avoids “side affects” when running functions?

object-oriented programming (OOP) - Programming where objects represent things that would be held in a database, the preference for modeling real world scenarios.src

class - Syntactic sugar for creating objects

super - Keyword that can access/call function on parent of object.src

this - refers to the object it is related to

Test Driven Development (TDD) - Style of programming focused on modularizing code,testing and design/structuring.

Jest - a framework used for tests

Continuous Integration (CI) - Style of programming that helps avoid issues when collaborating on a project.

REST - representational state transfer

Data Model - Represent how data is organized and related.




NoSQL Data Modeling Techniques

  1. Denormalization - copying the same data into multiple docs/tables to make the query processing more simple or store data in specific model.
  2. Aggregates - uses key-values + graphs to store data. No rules for what values can be. Supports “soft schemas”