
1. What is the benefit of transforming data into packets?

It’s more efficient and reliable because there’s a lesser chance of losing bits of data while it is transmitted.source

2. UDP is often referred to as a connectionless protocol. Why is this?

It is a way of transmitting data whether or not the receiver is ready or exits.source

3. Can a socket server application have multiple socket connections?

Yes, as long as they are associated with different client IP/Ports.source

4. Can a socket connection application be connected to multiple socket servers?

yes. I’m not sure.

5. Can an application be both a socket server and a socket connection?

yes, if you use different ports for the server.


Observer Pattern - a pattern where an object is referenced as subject which keeps a lists of dependents called observers that are updated if there is any change.source

Listener- what waits for an event to occur.

Event Handler - Runs code after an event occurs.

Event Driven Programming - A series of events must occur, all correlating with one another in order to take their turn.

Event Loop - moves events from the queue to the call stack so each event will run in turn.

Event Queue - a series of events/functions waiting to be called.

Call Stack - and order or lineup of events/functions.

Emit/Raise/Trigger - What triggers an event once certain conditions are met.

Subscribe - similar to a promise/catch but responds to observer methods? not sure.

database - where data is organized and stored either relationally or un-relationally .


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