
AWS:Cloud Servers

1.What’s the difference between a FIFO and a standard queue?

A standard queue is less organized in how it delivers messages and might send duplicates, it has a higher TFO while a FIFO queue is strict and will successfully deliver a message at least once and has lower TFO.

2.How can the server be assured a message was properly received?

It receives confirmation.

3.What classic design pattern is best represented by event driven programming?

Subscribe/observer pattern

4.How do you test an event driven system?

Create a test for each event handler


Server - a program that connects to, receives and sends information to the client

Pub/Sub - A design pattern used for building dynamic applications where modules can communicate back and forth without being reliant on one another.source

WRRC - Web Request Response Cycle


Virtual Machines

VMS and the Cloud


EC2 for Humans

Elastic Beanstalk