
AWS: API, Dynamo

1.What’s the difference between a FIFO and a standard queue?

A standard queue is less organized in how it delivers messages and might send duplicates, it has a higher TFO while a FIFO queue is strict and will successfully deliver a message at least once and has lower TFO.

2.How can the server be assured a message was properly received?

It receives confirmation.

3.What classic design pattern is best represented by event driven programming?

Subscribe/observer pattern

4.How do you test an event driven system?

Create a test for each event handler


Serverless Function - event driven functions (lambda) that can be used directly in AWS/third servers.

Cloud Storage - Storage that is external from local environment that is flexible in storage space depending on how much you want to pay.

CDN - Content Delivery Network(servers that work together to quickly deliver internet content)source


AWS API Gateway Overview

AWS API Gateway

AWS DynamoDB Guide

AWS DynamoDB
