
Props and State

  1. Does a deployed React application require a server?

No, you can use html,css and js without node jssrc

  1. Why do we prefer to test a React application at the behavior rather than the unit level?

Because we want to test for the user experiences rather than each of the possible units in order to deliver the required output.src

  1. What does npm run build do?

It creates an optimized build of the app in the build folder.src

  1. Describe the actual composition / architecture of a React application

Multiple components and their own associated .scss files create a dynamic HTML structure that are imported into a main js file that renders and exports the collection of components to another file which retrieves the root element and renders the client view to ReactDOM.

## Terms

BDD - Behavior Driven Development

Acceptance Tests - Tests to ensure user needs, requirements and development process are satisfactory. src

mounting - When React renders a component for the first time, building the initial document object model. src

build - Command npm run build that creates an optimized build of the application in the build folder.


setState explained

handling event


state and lifecycle

components and props

React Testing Library

RTL Testing Example